
What is the CGBW Radio Network used for ?

CGBW provides members access to a Digital Radio network. The network connects members to each other and provides reassurance to vulnerable or lone workers, also allowing for real time communication with other members and acts as a visual deterrent to potential offenders.

What calls do I make on the radio?

Any calls related to the prevention and detection of crime and disorder, including:

  • Informing other similar business of an incident that has taken place in your venue (bar /club) or shop, and passing on details of a suspect
  • Informing other businesses of any suspicious individuals in real time
  • Performing a radio check (please do not do this at busy times unless you think there is a problem with your radio)
  • Logging on and logging off at the beginning and end of a shift as required

Does CGBW provide training on the Radio System

Yes, CGBW will provide training to members on the use of the radios and basic voice procedure to be used. Some simple tips for users below:

  • Hold down the “press to talk” switch for one to two seconds before you start speaking
  • Hold the radio two to three inches away from your mouth to avoid distortion
  • When using the radio always call up using your business name so people know who is speaking
  • Be as accurate as you can but keep it brief
  • Speak clearly and slowly in your normal voice, don’t panic or rush
  • If you are sending a message about a group / individual who has caused some issues and they have left your location, state the direction of travel towards a landmark or particular building e.g. heading towards the entrance of County Mall.
  • Keep the radio on you at all times

Battery Maintenance and Advice

- Always switch the radio off when charging

- Where possible, take the radio off charge once the battery is fully charged (green light) 

- Do not leave the radio switched on in the charger

- Try to let the battery drain completely flat before charging again